The Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) is a statutory professional regulatory body mandated by the EIZ Act No. 17 of 2010 to promote and regulate the engineering profession in Zambia. It is a membership-based corporate body established under Section 3 of the Engineering Institution of Zambia Act No. 17 of 2010. The institution was founded in 1955, and its mandating instrument has since then undergone a number of legislative changes through the 1972, 1992 and 2010 Acts of Parliament.
The Engineering Institution of Zambia was re-established under the EIZ Act No. 17 of 2010 for the purpose of promoting and regulating the engineering profession. Under regulation it provides for the registration of engineering organisations and regulates their professional conduct.

As an EIZ member, you are out there, inspiring businesses, setting standards and shaping the future of the profession. And we are here, helping you on your journey and providing you with the skills you need to keep up with the changing environment in readiness for the future. As a member you will have the following benefits: Monthly Continuous Professional Development (CPD),Supporting you to be part of the world’s largest and fastest growing Engineering body,Benevolent Fund,Scholarships and Insurance Cover among others.
Our Mandate | EIZ is mandated to ensure that all engineering firms, engineers, technologists and technicians are fully licenced.
INTEGRITY - We shall institute internal consistency of actions, methods, measures and we shall observe zero tolerance against corruption. We shall live by our promise.
TRANSPARENCY - We shall be open in all our dealings with our members and all other stakeholders.
TEAM WORK - We shall work with unity of purpose irrespective of our different roles in achieving our Institutional objectives.
INNOVATION - We shall create an environment that fosters creativity.
ACCOUNTABILITY - We shall remain totally accountable for all our action.
PROFESSIONALISM - We shall follow best practice and exercise due care and diligence in the conduct of our day to day activities.
Our mission is key in our policy implementation
To promote professional development and regulate training, practice and conduct of engineering and applied science so as to enhance national productivity, improve quality of life and protect the environment for the benefit of society.Our visoin is key in our policy implementation
To be a world class professional Institution that promotes best engineering practice and technological innovations.